☆ How to effectively manage meetings

During my professional career, I learned that one of the biggest distractions for concentrated work are meetings. Attending meetings can either be beneficial or it can only be a distraction which can drain one’s productivity. For example, if I work on a new project and try to solve a suddenly plopped up challenge within a […]

☆ Three ways to avoid the negative impact of multitasking

Maybe you already did things like driving while making a phone call, listening to your GPS, and choosing a music for your car ride at the same time? Well, you are not alone. A lot of people admit using their cellular phones while behind their wheels.
You are probably thinking that you are good at this juggling act? According to a number of researches, however, your mind probably does not contain unlimited space for multitasking just as you thought.
In this article, I share my thoughts on multitasking and 3 ways to avoid its negative impact on productivity for you.

☆ People believe what they want to believe

You are in a heated situation in which you or your counterpart is holding on her or his view? Keep in mind that most probably you will not changing the persons view. Even if you consider her or his view as dump and stupid. At the same time I am not saying you should not speak up to tell your truth. Just be aware that chances to shift your partner from one perspective to another one are realistically pretty low.

☆Three ways to keep your attention level high

I’m pretty sure you know those moments, when we are keen on finishing a professional task or another project milestone but instead of completing it, we get distracted. And as soon as we get distracted, our attention is – of course – divided. You might not only get distracted by scheduled meetings but also by […]


I was once reading about one – another – way HOW to see the world. I don’t know whether I will find the right words but I think the story was the following …. What if we all received a card play with birth.  Some of us get better cards than others.  It is pretty […]

☆ Geht Kreativität auch im Home Office?

Du bist Führungskraft und fragst Dich, wie es mit der Kreativität in Deinem Team bestellt ist? Dann ist der Kurzartikel hier vielleicht genau das richtige für Dich!


What is it that makes us human?  One answer is “FLOW”. Like the state I was in when I was spontaneously invited by the Sadhus in India in and accepted the unexpected singing circle.  Flow is an unobstructed feeling and unobstructed allowance, not only if what is around you, but what is arising from within you. Abiding in a […]

☆ Time to shape the business rules

Attached, two of my big learnings during my time as an investment banker in Frankfurt. “I was young and needed the money” – not absolute correct as I also wanted to understand how the big business world works and learn from great peers. Here my two lessons for you. Happy to hear what you think!

☆ Where can one find happiness?

Have you already asked yourself where to search for happiness? If so, this read is made for you. Enjoy it with a lovely cup of tea.