When you come close to your lover, once in a while, you become “one”, but those are rare moments, precious ones that you cannot make a 24/7 thing.
If you try, you will destroy them. The whole beauty of love might disappear. When that moment is lost, it is gone and the separation to “I” and “you” is the consequence.
“We” is a rare phenomenon. Once, for a few moments, lovers reach the point, where “I” and “you” disappears into each others, where boundaries melt away. Sweet, rare moments. Not to be taken for granted.
We each need our own space and respectively treat the space of the other one: no interference, no trespassing. If you do, you hurt the other one. The other one’s personality start to be destroyed. But because the other one is loving you, your partner will tolerate your actions. Toleration has no sustainable power, no beauty. Therefore, there is the risk that your partner will take revenge. Accumulation starts … you have interfered with so many small things that one day they all explode.
That’s why lovers can’t stop fighting. Reason is the constant interference.
The basic requirement for love is that the other one has to be given the absolute freedom to be himself.
If he is happy, if you can be happy and participate in his happiness: good. If you cannot, leave him alone.
If he is sad, if you can participate in his sadness: great. If you cannot, leave him alone and sing your song somewhere else.
Don’t drag him, leave him alone.
Slowly respect might arise for each other.
The basic requirement for love is that the other one has to be given the absolute freedom to be himself.
And that might be one of the best foundations for a temple of love.
Liebe gibt es auch auf meinen nächsten Lesungen: am 26.11 und 27.11 auf dem @maerchenbazar vom @wanndacircus, jeweils 14-15h // Eintritt frei // Märchenbazar, Olympia Park Süd, Spiridon-Louis-Ring 100, 80809 München