☆ Covid-19: In welcher Welt willst Du leben?

Die Welt, so wie wir sie bislang kannten, ist gerade dabei sich aufzulösen. Aus jedem Chaos kann Neues erwachsen und oft braucht eine Neuausrichtung auch Chaos. Die Energiestränge müssen sich wieder frisch finden und sortieren. Ohne Unordnung geht das nicht. 

Die brisante Frage ist, welche Welt wir uns für uns und unsere Kinder wünschen. 

Wie viel Überwachung, Polizei, Staat und nun auch Verschuldung (wer soll das zahlen?) zum Schutz unserer Gesundheit?

Wie viel freies Leben, das stets und immer mit Risiken verbunden ist. 

Leben ist nicht nur Angst vor der Krankheit und vor dem Tod. Leben bedeutet immer auch Risiken für das Schöne und den Genuss in Kauf zu nehmen. 

Gerade mein Unfall im Februar hat mir das nochmals deutlich gemacht: auch Rad fahren in Schwabing ist lebensgefährlich. Mache ich es trotzdem wieder: ja. Warum? Weil ich Rad fahren liebe. 

Alkohol ist lebensgefährlich. Tabak auch. Wenig Schlaf und Angststress wegen Covid-19 ebenfalls.

Es liegt an uns, an jedem einzelnen.


Corinna ♥️

Zum Hören geht es hier für Dich:

☆ Covid-19: The World stands still…

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Wenn die Welt still steht, dann heißt es zusammenzurücken. Aktuell nicht physisch, sondern mental, emotional und spirituell. Die Antwort auf den Corona Virus lautet für mich deshalb Kooperation. Gemeinsam, ohne ein Denken in Kategorien wie Staatsgrenzen, sind wir Menschen doch noch viel stärker. 

Eigentlich wäre ich jetzt auf Hawaii. Bin ich aber auch deshalb nicht, weil mich ein Autofahrer, der über Rot raste, von Rad fegte. Sprunggelenk Operation vor drei Wochen. Laufen geht erst wieder in vier. Ich hatte große Angst vor dem Eingriff. Und erst dann, als ich mir bewusst machte, dass die Angst vor dem Unausweichlichen die Situation jedenfalls nicht besser macht, vielleicht sogar verschlimmern wird, konnte ich umdenken. Mir wurde klar, dass ich selbst entscheiden kann, wie ich die Lage betrachte. Master my mind. Ab dieser Erkenntnis konnte ich akzeptieren was ist und mich selbst in einen energetisch besseren Zustand versetzen, der letztlich sicher auch meine Heilung beschleunigte. Zudem hatte ich tolle Erlebnisse, bin wunderbaren Menschen begegnet und erlebte eine Woge der Solidarität von Couchgesprächen und Apothekengängen bis hin zur Supermarkthilfe.

Mein Punkt ist, dass jedes einzelne Lebensereignis nie „nur“ schwarz oder weiß ist, sondern stets noch einen ganzen Blumenstrauß an Optionen mit sich bringt. Und wir selbst bestimmen, in welche Stimmung wir uns dadurch versetzen lassen. Mit unserem Energielevel dirigieren wir auch das unseres Umfelds mit. Sind wir gut gelaunt, ist es unsere Umgebung oft auch, wir ziehen sie mit nach oben. Gilt blöderweise auch vice versa. 

Covid ist für einen Teil der Menschen alters- und berufsbedingt lebensgefährlich und für einen weiteren Teil der Bevölkerung ein echtes Risiko, ihre wirtschaftliche Lebensgrundlage zu verlieren. Ja, eine definite f*** Situation!

Gleichzeitig bleibt unsere Welt im Leerlauf. Das Wuseln, das in den letzten Jahren immer noch hektischer wurde, hat vorerst ein Ende. Wir sind „local“ geworden. Weniger Emissionen, mehr „von zuhause“ aus. Chancen für Digitalisierung, Home Office und mangels Berufsverkehr leereren Straßen und Städten. Unser Planet atmet. 

Und wir können uns auf uns und das, was wirklich zählt im Leben besinnen. Wir können zurück in unser Herz gehen und dadurch in Kontakt mit dem Rest der Welt treten. Meditation, Musik, Malen, Yoga, Lesen blablabla – was immer es ist, die Möglichkeiten sind vielseitig. Lasst uns positive Gefühle teilen, denn auch diese können ansteckend wie ein Virus sein. Zeigt die schönen Momente, die wir mit unseren Liebsten gemeinsam verbracht haben und die sich immer noch auf unseren Smartphones befinden. Lasst uns gegenseitig unterstützen und niemandem das Gefühl geben, dass er*sie alleine ist. Nehmt Abstand von gierigen Negativschlagzeilen und setzt stattdessen Lichtpunkte. Geht in die Liebe. 

Wir brauchen Menschen mit innerer Stärke, die mit ihrer Freude am Leben trotz des Virusdramas vor allem die aufbauen, die voller Angst und ohne Hoffnung sind. Gemeinsam nach oben.

Zieht Euch zurück zu Euch, bleibt zuhause und vor allem: stay safe!

Love, Corinna


When the world stands still, it is time to pull together. Currently not physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So the answer to the Corona virus for me is cooperation. Together, without thinking in categories such as national boundaries, we humans are much stronger still. 

Actually, I’d be in Hawaii right now. But I’m not, because a driver who ran a red light swept me off my bike. Ankle surgery three weeks ago. Running doesn’t happen again within the next four weeks. I was very scared before the operation. And only then, when I realized that the fear of the inevitable would not make the situation any better, maybe even worse, I could change my mind. I realized that I can decide for myself how I view the situation. From this realization I could accept what „is“ and put myself in an energetically better state, which in the end certainly accelerated my healing. In addition, I had great experiences, met wonderful people and experienced a wave of solidarity from couch talks and pharmacy visits to supermarket help.

My point is that every single life event is never “just” black or white, but always brings a whole bouquet of options. And it’s up to us to decide what mood we want to be put in. With our energy level we also direct the energy level of our environment. If we are in a good mood, our environment is often in a good mood as well, we pull it up with us. Unfortunately, this also applies vice versa. 

Covid is life-threatening for a part of the population due to age and occupation and for another part of the population a real risk of losing their economic livelihood. Yeah, a definite f*** situation!

At the same time our world remains in idle. For the time being, the bustle, which has become even more hectic in recent years, has come to an end. We have become “local”. Less emissions, more “from home”. Opportunities for digitalization, home office and, due to the lack of rush-hour traffic, emptier streets and cities. Our planet breathes. 

And we can reflect on ourselves and what really counts in life. We can go back into our hearts and thus get in touch with the rest of the world. Meditation, music, painting, yoga, reading blah blah blah – whatever it is, the possibilities are endless. Let us share positive feelings, because even these can be contagious like a virus. Show the beautiful moments we spent together with our loved ones and which are still on our smartphones. Let’s support each other and let’s not make anyone feel like they’re alone. Get away from greedy negative headlines and put light spots instead. Go into love. 

We need people with inner strength, who, with their joy of life despite the virus drama, build up above all those who are full of fear and without hope. Together upwards.

Withdraw to yourself, stay at home and above all: stay safe!

Love, Corinna

☆ Always think for yourself

You might be tempted to think it is too obvious when I say that you should think for yourself. And yes, I assume that you are already thinking for yourself and I appreciate it!

What I mean by saying “think for yourself” is to even have a clearer look into how you create your opinion. You should be incredible clear what parts of your opinion is build on your own core and your own personal identity and what is build on external patterns.

We humans all have the need to feel loved and accepted by our environment. We all want to belong to a community, let it be our company, friends & family or the Sunday afternoon chess club. We all want to fit in and get along with our environment.

Therefore it is so easy for all of us to just adapt to our surrounding, to not speak up your personal truth and not show our edges.

To really think for yourself, you have to have a pretty clear understanding of who you are, how your mind is working (as your mind can be tricky and even fool yourself). If your mindset is like an unclean kitchen, it might be difficult to think clearly for yourself.

And if you cook in the kitchen by only relying on what is stated in your cooking book, you might be able to serve a nice dish for diner. But the diner will not be a meal created by you and your creativity but rather a result provided by the algorithm of your cooking book. It is exactly the same with opinions.

A good friend of mine comes from a very conservative family. She adapted their way of thinking, took their value system into hers and is mainly repeating what her parents told her when she was a little girl. Another friend of mine is daily reading the same kind of journal so her opinion on the world is crucially influenced by the news source she daily digests. In both cases, their opinions on a certain topic can certainly be theirs but there is a risk that they reflect more what is said within the family or what is written in the news.

Opinions are taken over if there is no other source of information available.

Therefore, it is crucial to keep a fresh and open mind by gathering as many divers sources of information as possible. Sometimes, it also helps to completely change the source of information. Sometimes, it helps to put yourself in a different social environment as taking part at the Burning Man Festival, staying in magic Ubud or joining the local tennis club.

Whatever it is, diversity will keep your mindset free and open.

It comes without saying that if you want to think for yourself you not only have to have something to think about but you also have to do the thinking.

This is work.

You are right: following an already pathed street is the easier option. But then you will always be a follower and you miss the chance to express yourself.

Do you really want that?

☆ Interludino

do you know that,

when you’re strong inside,

no one can just knock you out?

☆ Interludino

when you feel weak, 

remember that, 

you are not alone.

I often feel like you.

and you know what?

I often tell myself:

when I sense weakness, 

there’s strength in me, too.

because that’s the other side of the coin.

and we always carry both inside of us.

☆ Interludino

Watch out for your dreams and make sure that you never let others tell you what you can or cannot do.

There are many dream stealers in the world. Find your own dream by trusting your gut feeling while making use of your rational left side of the brain as well.

The two work excellently well together once they are trained and then enjoy the pleasure to follow your dream to make sure you live the life you want to live.

☆ It is all about energy…

You only have a limited amount of energy, think about where to put it in as it is there where it will also come back to you 


DIFFERENT. We are all different but still the same. Different in our cultural behaviors and preferences but same in regard of what defines us as humans. I love India despite its particular challenges. I love watching the holy cows passing by in the busy streets of Varanasi or laying relaxed at the beaches in Kerala. They move stoically, sit down in the middle of the road or just chew repetitively. In the Western world, most of the cows are looked-in in mass-cages. Once, I experienced the crying pain of a female cow from whom the baby cow was taken away. The mother cow literally went crazy. She freaked out. Humans belong to the species of animal. Even if we do everything to distinguish us from them so that we can view ourselves being superior. But at the end, there is no demarcation line. We are different but still the same. 

☆ Aging

Just imagine, we would not fear death anymore.

How would my, your and the life of others look like?

I learned to enjoy the process of aging and had time to do so as I was born in the year 1977. First of all – and from a very practical point of view – it is nothing I could avoid even if I would try really really really hard.

So, I can enjoy the inevitable as well, right? Makes it much easier.

Second, despite the outer shell of the “me” changes by losing its fresh body shape with time, the inner “me”, profits from this process. And this is definitely worth it.

And yes, of course, it’s a bit of a pity, that the body shell loses its strength, whereas the soul/ personality is growing.

But then again, it is yin and yang, about letting go and, at the end, maybe this tension arc between birth and death is exactly what is required to make us being so lovely human with all our evils and angels within us ?

Who knows, right ?