Anbei ein Photo aus einer Zeit, in der M&A Themen mein Leben durchbestimmt haben. Ach was – nicht nur durchbestimmt: mein Leben war DIESER Job und alles, für was er stand. 

Voller Terminkalender, von einer Telco in die andere, kurze Entscheidungsdichte, Leitung eines internationalen Projektteams. Effizientes und effektives Denken, vorausschauendes Planen. Business Pläne, best and worse case Szenarien, Excel & Power Point, Aufsichtsrat abholen, überzeugen. Wenig Schlaf, wenig me-time, dafür Adrenalin Kick, Macht, Machtgeilheit.

Man war wer, ich war wer.

Deals, die später in der Zeitung standen. Davor diese Aufregung, zu welchen Bomben es selbst noch beim Notar kommen kann, die die gesamte Transaktion killen können. Gearbeitet, manchmal länger als ein Jahr und dann, dann soll der Deal kurz vor der Ziellinie platzen? Neeee – absolut ausgeschlossen. 

Adrenalin, der Kick. Die Bedeutungsvolligkeit – gibt es dieses Wort überhaupt? Auch egal. Genauso egal wie die Pflege von Freundschaften, der Fokus auf die rechte Seite meines Kopfes, das einmal nicht zielorientierte Denken und stille Sein. Das einfach nur SEIN DÜRFEN, ohne einen weiteren Zweck erfüllen zu müssen.

War alles nicht da. Jahre, Jahrzehntelang nicht.

Und für was das alles?

Fürs Ego. 

Diesem inneren Mistkerl, der ruft gesehen zu werden, bedeutungsvoll (da ist dieses Wort wieder) zu sein – um nicht einfach wieder von dieser Welt eines Tages zu verschwinden, ohne Spuren der Leistung hinterlassen zu haben. Um zu zeigen, ja – auch ich kann das.

Das reine Bestreiten des Lebensunterhalts ist für mich kein wirkliches Argument mehr. Das wäre auch anders gegangen. Das es sich beweisen – das hingegen nicht. Das ging nur so, so denke ich heute darüber. 

Aus diesem Kreislauf auszutreten, ist wie einem Süchtigen die Nadel wegzunehmen.


Verlangen nach mehr, einen Zurück – trotz des Wissens der Downsites. 

Was „stattdessen“?

Wie geht „Leben“?

Ps Interessanterweise gibt es kaum Photos aus dieser Zeit von mir. Dieses hier, in Paris, gefunden. Ein verlängertes Wochenende. Auszeit. Der Beginn der me-time.


One of my Tantra teachings was to learn new ways of doing things, and to free myself of habits as much as possible.

Easier said than done. But possible. At least a bit, in particular when you try to be gentle to yourself.

Don’t be imitative as your senses might become dull.

Try to find your way of doing things in your own way.

Have your own signature on everything you do.

Tantra says as well that if you can go on finding new ways every day, your life will remain an adventure, a thrill. You will never be bored as you will always be curious to know, as you will always be on the verge of seeking the unfamiliar and the not-yet-known. 

If you are lucky, your senses will remain clear and your eyes open. 

Seeking, exploring, finding, searching. 

You cannot become dull, not stupid.

Apparently stupidity starts at the age of seven.

It seems to start around the age of four, but at the age of seven it is very apparent. 

Children normally starts to become stupid at the age of seven.

The child learns 50% of all the learnings of his whole life by that age.

If he will live until seventy, within 63 years, he will learn only 50%.

It might be true that the average mental age of people is 12 years. Maybe people don’t grow beyond that, they somehow get stuck. 

Is this the reason for so much childishness in the world?

Try it out: Trigger a person at the age of 45 years, maybe by insulting, by claiming love, and see what happens – within a blink of a second, he acts like a 12 year old kid. 


People are always ready to fall back into childishness behavior. Me, too. Just recently, I complained about a circumstance, I can never change but that triggered me so much, that I was acting like a teenage girl. 

Mental age issue. Physical age is actually of no importance. 

People die childish, might never grow.


Don’t be imitative as your senses might become dull.

Try to find your way of doing things in your own way.

Have your own signature on everything you do.

Only then you have the chance to develop open and clear senses.



Relationship remains a mystery. It depends on both as it exists between two people.

Relationship is created by you, but in its turn, relationship also creates you.

When two persons meet, two worlds meet. It’s most complex. Each person is a proper world. With a long past and an eternal future.

At the beginning, only two peripheries meet. If the relationship grows intimate and becomes closer and deeper, two centers start meeting. When cores meet, it is called love.

When peripheries meet, it is acquaintance. You touch just from the boundaries. Very often you call your acquaintance love but acquaintance is not love.

Love is very rare.

To be able to meet a person at his centre is to pass through a process yourself because you will have to allow to this person to reach your core too. You will have to become open, soft and vulnerable.

This is risky.

To allow someone to reach your centre is dangerous because you never know what this person will do to you.

The fear is there. Once you drop all the curtains, you show all your hidden parts and all your secrets are known – the fear is there: you never know what the other person will do, you never know.

That’s why we rarely and barley open up. Why we are satisfied if peripheries meet. We think that love hit us.

But you are not your periphery – that’s just the fencing around your core. It is not you. The periphery is just where you end and the world begins.

The more you live with someone on the base of acquaintances, the more you might lose awareness of your core. And your core might then remain even more unknown even to yourself.

One thing to remind: Try not to mix acquaintances with love.