How I work

How I work

I advice because I care and because I see unlimited potential in every human being. I strongly believe that every single person on this planet has the ability to create happiness and a totally fulfilling existence and is already because of this caracteristic a leader for others. Any obstacle is a lovely opportunity to grow stronger and wiser.

It is only through life challenges that your inner magical spirit comes alive and your new powers are revealed. Sometimes, we are all captured by our tunnel vision not allowing us to see alternative solutions and paths. I know from my own experiences how helpful external influence can be to opening up again and being able to reframe the current mindset. I believe in advising as it is a sign of self-care that allows me to adjust the inner dialogue as required.

Our biggest successes are born out of discomfort, uncertainty and risk.

Why I believe in Advising? 

I believe in advising as it is a sign of self-care, talking to an external person from time to time about issues that really touches you. It helps to go beyond internal talk to a broad field of options and alternatives.

My working assumption 1/2 – our inner monologue: 

Whether you are introverted or extroverted, creative or practical, you spend huge swathes of your time talking to you. Yes, you. You do it while you are eating, working, jogging, texting, crying, laughing – you name it. And I would like to add that you do it even when you are sleeping. Studies show that we have over 50.000 thoughts per day. Crazy. The latest neuroscience and psychology underlines that the kind of talk you are having with yourself has a profound impact on the quality of your life. In fact, the connection between what we say and how we feel has been known for hundreds if not thousands of years. Studies have continually found that positive self-talk can dramatically improve the mood whereas negative self-talk cannot only put us in a bad mood but can us even provide us with the feeling of helplessness. I do not suggest to suddenly lying to ourselves with positive thinking or personal affirmations (although it might be helpful from time to time). I aim for an authentic inner story that reflects your personal truth. I, personally, found that how we think and talk about our experiences shifts the way we feel about them.

In short: Our thoughts are the best friends of our emotions and they need a check-up from time to time. Advising is their perfect companion.

My working assumption 2/2 – our unconscious affirmations

We have so much going on in our subconscious. It is deeply internalized that it changes our thoughts and our behavior. Our subconscious is responsible for 95% of our daily actions. It was, and maybe still is, nourished by the patterns our family of origin has been following for decades. This is in addition to all the personal experiences we have gained so far in life. It is tricky to get a hold of the subconscious but there are ways to connect with it and learn what exactly is going on. Our subconscious is interacting with us in real everyday terms. It influences how we speak to ourselves, how we interact with others, how we love and in particular how we react when one of our triggers is pushed. For example, how we feel when we were hurt. It is better not to ignore our subconscious programming, because it represents a large part of what our personality consists of. During my coaching sessions, we can check into your subconsciousness.

Wake up your true potential, unfuck yourself and get spectacular in your life.

There are two ways to work with me:

If you seek for a powerful dose of radical clarity and momentum, then a 1-day intensive is just what you need. Ask yourself, when was it the last time you gave yourself a full day of focused time to answer the most important questions in your life and career? To be fully supported in making the big decision that lead to lasting change? To create a vision for your work and life that is tailored to your unique circumstances?

If you prefer hourly-based sessions, organized around your daily schedule, then this option could be the best for you. An advising session is generally between 30 to 60 minutes. Advising sessions can be via Phone, Skype and Chat and are a powerful and incredibly effective alternative to meeting in person: as we can connect no matter where you are. 80% of my coaching is done by phone, skype or a chat app and my clients love it as there is no need to travel. You can pick up your cell phone and connect when you need to.

For your comfort, feel free to contact me for a pre-5 minute chat before committing to a advising session or day. I will not deliver my advising in this short chat, though.

In order to improve your internal world, you have to start taking action in the external world.

Feel free to get in touch with me if you want to receive an offer to be coached, advised or have a speaker request. For your comfort, feel free to contact me for a 5 minute chat before committing to a session (hourly base) or an intensive coaching day. My sessions take either place in person (Munich) or via Skype, WhatsApp or Facetime. 80% of my clients decide for a virtual meeting as they do not need to travel. Working languages: German, English and French.

I look forward to hearing from you via email to falkenberg{@}!