Career Advisory
Career advisory offers a powerful opportunity for you to successfully move out of your comfort zone and rise to new challenges as you gain more responsibility and visibility in management and leadership of your organizations. Advising provides a confidential environment where you as a leader can speak candidly, brainstorm, get objective and non-judgmental feedback, and develop skills and strategies tailored to your specific situation.
This work is how change and innovation happen, providing a promising ROI to employers.
Every human is like all other humans, some other humans, and no other human.
Maybe you are struggling with one of these professional challenges?
Challenging team to lead
Complaining customers
Angry colleagues and peers
Burdensome deadlines
Boring cubicle life
Lack of fulfillment, meaning and purpose
Mindful listening
Difficult conversations
Compassionate ways to lead others
If so, you are not alone: Most professionals around the world struggle with self- awareness, emotional regulation, motivation, empathy and/or compassionate leadership skills – the five part recipe for emotional intelligence.
Sustainability also means creating a shared culture of consciousness and personal leadership.
Further, we personally believe in healthy living – individually and collectively. We live in an era of independence. The global system that sustain us (financial, economic and ecological) are fragile. We face tipping points that might affect many generations to come. Therefore, we believe, we should go beyond binary thinking and learn to also sense the importance of consciousness as a leader.
Partnering in a collaborative and conscious relationship with us might help you to reach clarity, vision and alignment with your life purpose as well as your professional and personal goals.
You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.